Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Harrison is home!

We brought little Harrison home on Monday afternoon, but had a rough night with him that night. I think it was just everyone getting into a routine and figuring out what was going on with this new baby thing. The cats are doing pretty good with it all. I think they are just waiting until his parents take him home so they can have their people back. Have I got news for them! They will be alright in the end. Last night was a better night. Mommy felt a little better, so she tended to Harrison through the night so daddy could get some rest so he could go back to work today. We'll see how that goes. Don't get me wrong, I will be trying to do my share, but I think it was good that Dev let me rest so I could be chipper-ish for work.
It's amazing that you can love a little guy so much. All of our friends said that his cry won't affect you as much as when someone else's kid is crying; it won't make you as anxious. They were right, even though I didn't believe them. I can listen to him cry, and it actually makes me laugh. Maybe that's bad, but I think it's funny that he can get himself so worked up, but that's OK. He needs to develop those lungs, I guess. If you ask me, they are a little overdeveloped. He's such a cutie, though, and I love him so much. And, loving him, and having him home reminds me how much I love Devynn, and makes that love even stronger, I think. She's such a trooper, and I'm glad she went through all of that and not me.

Monday, May 29, 2006

He's here!

Well, After months of waiting, little Harrison DeLyle is here. He was born on Saturday at 11:33 pm. He weighed in at 10 lbs, 7 oz. and was 21 inches long. He was taken by C-section because his little noggin just isn't so little. He and mommy are home now, and doing well. We have a whole new world to adjust to. We are excited to begin this phase of our lives that we have been waiting for the last few months. I will post some pictures once things settle. For now, check out the pics on

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

How big is 4 cm?

Well, Dev went to the doc today, again. It seems like she is there like every week. Hmmm. She said that she is 4 cm dilated, which is really good, considering we thought she would just be pregnant for the rest of her life. Hopefully by the weekend, we will have a new little baby (little is relative, I guess). We are still excited, just grateful we avoided a scare yesterday ( for those of you that haven't heard). We feel really ready, which is probably why he/she hasn't made an appearance yet. We have threatened to unpack all of the bags, take the carseat out of the car (which, I might add has been in there for almost 2 months now, "just in case"), "unpaint" the nursery, undo the quilt that Gramma Selk made for it, and take back the clothes that Tatik Bohn got for it. Then maybe, just maybe, it would squirt out. Who knows?
It is so exciting that in less than a week, we will really be parents. All the waiting will finally be over. It's not like maybe in a week, or in a few weeks or anything like that. It's actually less than a week. Less than a week from now, I will be holding my new little miracle that I already feel so much love for. Then will start the next phase. Can't wait. It will be fun, but I'm sure challenging, as well.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Hmmmm, something's not making sense...

SO, I thought this baby was going to come out on the 21st. At least, that's what the doctor told us. She said that was it's due date, and being in school, trust me, I know about due dates. When the professor tells you your paper is due on a particular day, you better have it in that day, if not before, or else you are in big doo-doo. So, this baby is in big doo-doo, because it was supposed to be here on Sunday. I will have to have a nice chat with him/her when it comes. Daddy is not very happy. Nor am I very patient (yes, I know it's a virtue and all).

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The waiting game

You know, it seems like yesterday we found out we were pregnant. Then, it wasn't very long until we passed that "magical" threshold when it is relatively safe to tell your family and friends. Then, we passed the milestones of listening to the heartbeat, watching the movements, having the pre-term scares, etc. The time has flown by. NOW IT IS STANDING STILL!!! As we wait for this baby to come, the days seem to drag on and on, but still no baby. I know I'm not a very patient person, but it would be nice if we didn't have to wait any longer. It doesn't even seem real anymore; it just seems like Devynn has not been eating that well, and has gotten a little bit of a gut. But, I'm reminded that that's not the truth when I see her "gut" kick or roll over or do 3 backflips with 1 1/2 twists.
It is just so hard to wait right now, but as my wonderful mother-in-law so aptly pointed out, what's a few more days in the whole scheme of things? When they are 25, a couple of days doesn't really matter that much.
I guess she's right, but still....I WANT MY BABY!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Let's take a survey....

I think we should add 3 or 4 more hours to the day. 24 hours just doesn't seem like enough time to get everything done. Or, if we could all convince our bosses that a "full" day's work is 8 hours, or if we could all adjust to getting like 5 or 6 hours a night, that would work, too, I guess. My best friend says I'm just getting the pre-daddy stress. We have so much to do before this baby comes. We just decided that we should finish our basement in the next few weeks, so that we can have a spare room for company when the baby comes. Also, I am in the process of replacing the light in our bedroom and the light in the baby's room with ceiling fans....except the fan on the one in the bedroom isn't working. I haven't tried to put the one up in the baby's room, yet, so I will do that one and see how that goes. Maybe we just got a tequila Friday fan, because the light works, but the fan doesn't. Oh well, if life was easy, it wouldn't be hard.

And by the way, the fact that this baby is coming any day isn't scary at all. No, not at all.....yeah right, who am I kidding? It's scary, exciting, nervous, and all of the extreme emotions mixed in one, and I'm sure it will only get more and more emotional. No, I don't mean that I am going to start crying uncontrollably for no reason, but I think that the emotions will be right at the surface for a little while.