Let's take a survey....
I think we should add 3 or 4 more hours to the day. 24 hours just doesn't seem like enough time to get everything done. Or, if we could all convince our bosses that a "full" day's work is 8 hours, or if we could all adjust to getting like 5 or 6 hours a night, that would work, too, I guess. My best friend says I'm just getting the pre-daddy stress. We have so much to do before this baby comes. We just decided that we should finish our basement in the next few weeks, so that we can have a spare room for company when the baby comes. Also, I am in the process of replacing the light in our bedroom and the light in the baby's room with ceiling fans....except the fan on the one in the bedroom isn't working. I haven't tried to put the one up in the baby's room, yet, so I will do that one and see how that goes. Maybe we just got a tequila Friday fan, because the light works, but the fan doesn't. Oh well, if life was easy, it wouldn't be hard.
And by the way, the fact that this baby is coming any day isn't scary at all. No, not at all.....yeah right, who am I kidding? It's scary, exciting, nervous, and all of the extreme emotions mixed in one, and I'm sure it will only get more and more emotional. No, I don't mean that I am going to start crying uncontrollably for no reason, but I think that the emotions will be right at the surface for a little while.
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