Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Hmmmm, something's not making sense...

SO, I thought this baby was going to come out on the 21st. At least, that's what the doctor told us. She said that was it's due date, and being in school, trust me, I know about due dates. When the professor tells you your paper is due on a particular day, you better have it in that day, if not before, or else you are in big doo-doo. So, this baby is in big doo-doo, because it was supposed to be here on Sunday. I will have to have a nice chat with him/her when it comes. Daddy is not very happy. Nor am I very patient (yes, I know it's a virtue and all).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're impatient!! Hah! I can only imagine how Devynn feels having to lug that thing around. It's so weird how people are pregnant differently. I'm 20 weeks and still not nearly as big as she was at 16! But, everything is on course according to my OB.

12:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know it seems like time is standing still, but the good news is..... you are gona be a daddy real soon.
The thing with due dates in pregnancy is they are called EDD..meaning "estimated" due date. I bet you wish your professors would give you an EDD instead of a DD :)

1:56 PM  
Blogger Brian - the Shrink said...

That would be nice if I had an EDD in school. Although, I am a bit of a procrastinator, so I don't know if it would help. I'm glad that you and Devynn get along so well. We really like you guys. Not that we don't like other cousins or relatives, but we seemed to really connect with you. I'm sure it was partly due to the fact that you guys lived so close for so long. Hopefully we can come for a visit in the next year or so.
And Sandra, it is true how 2 people are so different during pregnancy. There is a girl in our ward who was as big at 8 months when she delivered, as Dev was at about 5. It was crazy. And we love you guys too. But you are just too far away to visit. We're going to try for next summer, I think. Wish you could be here for the blessing, but we understand.

7:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We like you guys alot too!!
That would be awesome if you guys could come visit next year. We'll have so much fun!!! ~especially with our new little ones.:)

9:43 AM  

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