Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Tough Lovin'

We have always been of the view that a good way to raise kids is with some tough lovin'. I understand that you want the best for your kids, and that you really want them to like you as a parent, but I also know that kids get majorly screwed up when parents are too relaxed and let the kids control their lives. So, since today is Harrison's 1 month birthday, Devynn and I decided to start letting him cry himself to sleep at night. Last night, after the feeding around 3:00, we let him cry himself to sleep. He would cry for about 10 minutes, then whimper and the sounds would die off. Then, a few minutes later, I think he would realize that he was asleep and that he did it himself, and wake up and cry again. We let him do this for about an hour, and he was actually asleep (or not making sounds, at least) for about 10 minutes at one point. However, after an hour, Dev and I decided that he probably wouldn't do it that night. But, have no fear, we aren't giving up that easily. We are going to keep trying this until he gets the idea. We'll see how it goes.

In other news, I have been taking this juice recently (Devynn can't because of the effects on Harrison). It is a Himalayan berry-derived juice that has a special chemical makeup that makes your blood alkaline, rather than acid. Having an acidic pH in your body is linked to cancer, Lupus, and a host of other maladies. Aside from the health benefits, it also gives you TONS of energy. Anyways, I think that a lot of people could benefit from it. Obviously, I have not seen for myself that it helps in cancer treatment and other ailments, but I have noticed increased energy, and I seem to not get sick as much. The reason I am telling you this is because I don't recommend products to people that I do not believe in myself, and would not use myself. This is one product that is worth it, to me. I think everyone should try it. If you are interested in more information on this, please let me know, and I will gladly let you know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not fun at all when your little one is keeping you up at night. We are starting to let Seth cry now when he wakes up in the middle of the night. We decided not to do the tough love thing until now because I feel that when they are so brand new they need to know that you will be there any time they call. But we all have different ideas when it comes to parenting. Let me know how it turns out. I'm interested in the energy juice. I'd love more info.. :)

10:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any reading you will do about letting your kids cry themselves to sleep says that this method works with babies over four months old. Until then all they aren't strong enough to stand crying it out. He's one month old. He's growing at a rate that if he's hungry, he needs to eat. If he's cranky or fussy, help him. He doesn't know any better. Letting him get good and hungy is another story. Letting them cry isn't such a bad thing but letting him get that upset that it's taking an hour, that's not fair to a one month old.

12:23 AM  
Blogger Alyson said...

Good luck with that. Its really nice that you are helping your wife in this decision most fathers don't do anything for bed time unless instructed by a doctor at least that is what my pediatritian said, however all the reading I have done on this subject as well says not to begin the process untill after 3 months (what to ecpect in the first year and readers digest edition of Birth to 3 years). On the other hand my babies were either too stubourn or needed me to feed them in the night becuse they were too skinny. D didn't start unil 10 monnths old and E I started at 3 months and the process lasted longer than the usual 3 days (more like 4 months and then there was the teething which threw everything out of wack and I would have to start over. Everybaby is different but it didn't help I had a friend whos baby slept through the night from day one, but he was a big baby, again mine were too skinny. (actually they were normal but the docs didn't think so)

My mother in law is into this acid base thing. She actually bought a machine to hook up to her tap to amke her water alkaline or acidic. You can even select a specific PH. A big thick book comes along with it to tell you what to use the specific pH water for. I have not made a decision on weather its good or not. I haven't read the book or really heard about it except from my mother in law. She is kind of funny though. She believes in whole foods (whole eggs, whole fat sour cream etc.) I find it quite ironic that she won't eat an egg white omlette because God made an egg with a yoke and egg whites both are necessary, but man she will split her water.

Sorry for the long post

7:45 AM  

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