Christmas Already?
I can't believe that Christmas is just aroune the corner. Not that I'm super excited about Christmas per se, because quite frankly, Devynn and I are too poor to be getting each other much in the way of gifts. Plus, we have never been big on giving each other gifts. No, I am excited because we are going to Florida to visit family that I haven't seen in a LONG time. And I am going SCUBA diving, if it's the last thing I do. I have told my family that if I do nothing else, I am going for a dive or two. I haven't been in years, so I am excited to be doing it again.
I can't make this too long, because I need to get off to school, but we were able to hear the heartbeat again last week. It was much stronger than last time, so it was pretty exciting. Devynn is starting to show, and that is making it more real. I always thought it would seem more real when she started showing. Although, if she is this big now, she must be having twins! That's what she thinks, too, so I'm not being mean. And she reads this sometimes, so I can't be too mean.