Monday, February 06, 2006

Winds of Change

Well, further to my last post, I haven't been able to see the doctor yet. He keeps stalling so he doesn't have to see me, I think. I am going to call him tomorrow and see what is going on. I don't think having a bum knee will be good with a brand-new baby. Hopefully I can get in before too long.

Devynn and I had a good time at the Temple on Saturday. We went to a session before I had to help our ward out with youth baptisms. It was nice. We haven't been in awhile, so it was good to go and feel the Spirit there. We both had things that we went with in mind that we needed answers to that were sort of sprung on us, so it was good we were planning on going this weekend anyways. We have bought our first package of diapers, so it makes this whole baby thing more real. we only have about 15 weeks left, so it's coming closer and closer. I guess it doesn't ever get farther and farther, does it?

I have been feeling the baby kick more now. I must not have very good feeling in my fingers, because I can never feel the darn thing kick when Dev says it is kicking. It is pretty exciting. I have felt it a few times in the last week or two.


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