Thursday, December 01, 2005

iPods rock!

So, on Monday at work, I was talking to my boss at the bank and he tells me that we (at TD) have been voted best customer service in all of Canada and hands me a wrapped package. It was about the size of a small box of chocolates, and he said that it was from head office to show their appreciation for our efforts in making us the best. I opened it up to find an iPOD!!!! I was so freaking excited, I didn't know what to do with myself. I have been wanting one for a little while, and I am obsessed with it now. Just had to share that with everyone!

And Devynn is starting to show. (She told me I had to include something about the baby, so that's what I've got for now; sorry).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool. I'm glad you got one--I was hoping to add to the fund for one for your birthday.

2:01 PM  
Blogger Alyson said...

I'm a little jelous. When my sister worked for TD and opened a new branch (south Calgary) The broke budget records and the bank was so happy they flew everyone to Vegas. She brought me back some lucky seven socks. I wore them to the hospital when i had D.

9:21 AM  

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